Beyond the Norm: Pansexuality

This talk night invites you to explore the uncharted territories of Pansexuality. Monique, founder of SexTech Nordics and relational coach, Beatrice Lily, will guide us through the nuances of modern connections.

Beyond the Norm is back to bring a fresh perspective on sexuality, sensuality and relationships. The event is curated by Monique( she/her), sociologist , facilitator, student of somatic sex education and founder of SexTech Nordics and Beatrice Red Lily (she/her) relational coach specialized in new conventional relationships and kinky educator.

This talk night invites attendees to explore the uncharted territories of Pansexuality challenging conventional norms. As the speakers share insights and experiences, the event sparks a thought-provoking dialogue, encouraging attendees to embrace diverse relationship models and understand the nuances of modern connections. "Beyond the Norm" serves as a platform for fostering openness, understanding, and acceptance in the realm of human connections.

Practical information:

Doors open at 19.00 / Event begins at 19.30 in Koncertsalen



Kulturhuset Islands Brygge

Islands Brygge 18

2300 København S
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